100mm Feather Edge TAN
150mm Feather Edge TAN
150mm Feather Edge TAN
20 x 45 UC3 BROWN treated softwood
20 x 45 UC3 BROWN treated softwood
25 x 150 (nominal) SAWN treated softwood
25 x 150 (nominal) SAWN treated softwood
70 x 70 UC4 GREEN treated posts
70 x 70 UC4 GREEN treated posts
95 x 95 UC4 GREEN treated posts
95 x 95 UC4 GREEN treated posts
20 x 145 UC3 GREEN treated softwood
20 x 145 UC3 GREEN treated softwood
20 x 45 UC3 GREEN treated softwood
20 x 45 UC3 GREEN treated softwood
20 x 70 UC3 GREEN treated softwood
20 x 70 UC3 GREEN treated softwood


We stock various fencing products for the professional and D.I.Y enthusiast, from fir feather edge to associated products like arris rail, arris rail brackets and tanalised softwood posts; metal support posts (spike and bolt down) and fencing nails.

We also supply a selection of fencing products not in stock, via special order. These products can take several days to procure.


Size / Type Product Name
Ex 25 X 150 (nominal) Fir Feather Edge TAN E (redwood)
Ex 25 x 100 (nominal) Fir Feather Edge TAN E (redwood)/Brown
ex 75 x 75 and ex 50 x 50 (nominal) Fir Arris Rails TAN E (redwood)/Brown
95 x 95  Reg UC4 Treated post 4CE
70 x 70 Reg UC4 Treated post 4CE
75 x 75 SAWN UC4 Treated Post
116 x 116 Laminated softwood UC4
 140 x 140 Laminated softwood UC4
100 x 100 SAWN Treated Post UC4/Brown
75 x 75 Sawn Brown UC4
LONG/HANDED Galv Arris Rail Brackets
100 x 100 1.2M Concrete Spur Posts
75 x 75 0.75M Fence Post Anchors 24″Spike
100 x 100 0.9M Fence Post Anchors 30″Spike
75 x 75 Fence Post Anchors Bolt Down
100 x 100 Fence Post Anchors Bolt Down
(various) Various Post Caps Available – please call
20 Kg Post Crete